Current Events

今年七月的夏令營因為疫情取消,因應教友需求,我們預計開辦Firemark 青年線上聚會,一起傳遞主祐的訊息。
時間: 9月26日週六4:00-5:00pm。
報名對象:9th ~12th 華人高中生。
報名聯繫:Anne Wang 626-872-4523 或是email:

Firemark Mission Statement
Firemark was founded by 7 like-minded Chinese young adults, each having gone through life’s various difficulties and in seeking solutions, have come to appreciate the value of a good spiritual community. The purpose of Firemark is to take what the young adults have found to be valuable, what has helped us grow personally, emotionally, spiritually and pass it down to the youths of Chinese Catholic communities.
Focus on providing cross-parish events regularly for Chinese Catholic high schoolers in the Los Angeles area. We hope to enrich and energize these teenagers’ lives through spiritual and joyful events, and to help deepen their faith.
Anne Wang, April Dai, Nathan Lau, Raymond Pang, Richard Chen, Shawn Yeh, Teresa Lee, Fr. Jay (STA)
Current Core
Anne W, April Dai, Teresa Li, Shawn Yeh, Mac Hu, Steven Chen
Melody Luo, Michael Yang, Philip Chen, Tristan Hou
CSC North America Charity Corps,Inc. 基督服務團 北美仁愛基金會
Firemark team
We are young adults who have been to California Chinese Catholic Living Camp and are committed to spending extra time serving teenagers within and outside of our own parishes. All Firemark adult members are required to be certified by the Virtus program and to have obtained LiveScan fingerprinting record. Firemark is graciously hosted by and based at the St. Thomas Aquinas parish Chinese community of Monterey Park, CA.